For all tests a timeout of 900 sec. was used. In detail:
- 900 sec. for torpacyc 2014, torpacyc 2015, and AProVE and TTT2 (for the SRS and all three encodings SPLIT, ROTATE, and SHIFT)
- Combination, variant 1: 450 sec. for torpacyc and 450 sec. for AProVE/TTT2, where SPLIT is applied to the (perhaps simplified) SRS which results from the run of torpacyc
- Combination, variant 2: 225 sec. for AProVE/TTT2 on the SRS (only NO finishes the proof), 225 sec. for torpacyc, 450 sec. for AProVE/TTT2 where SPLIT is applied to the result of the torpacyc-result