

  Ongoing projects 
   A CSS for DocBook
   edi4r - EDI for Ruby
   EDI Hub
   KNX USB Linux driver
  Past projects

 Impressum / Contact

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Ruby modules for easy development of EDI software. Highlights:
Write your own UN/EDIFACT-to-SAP IDoc converter!
Integrate UN/EDIFACT interchanges in an XML environment
Validate EDI interchanges against UN/TDIDs.
Hub software for easy exchange of EDI data. Highlights:
Hub-and-spoke model to simplify life for the spokes.
This is especially helpful for small companies (SMEs).
Spokes access the hub simply by ftp(s)
Self-managed hub community, no need (to charge)
for a hub admin. Register and manage your mailbox
with your browser!
Web-based EDI Tracking and Tracing: Always know
the processing status of your data!
The Hub software is written in Ruby,
the Web applications for hub administration and
EDI Tracking and Tracing are Ruby on Rails apps.
A WebDAV based X.400 access module. Highlights:
Platform-independent, royalty-free open source software.
Run it on any server you like.
Lets you participate in the global X.400 community
through any Internet access. No fixed IPs or special
hardware required anymore.
The module contains an exchange agent that runs as a background process
a Web-based component for EDI Tracking & Tracing and easy administration.
The EDI4RCom software is written in Ruby,
the Web applications for administration and
EDI Tracking and Tracing are
Ruby on Rails apps.
KNX USB Linux driver
A user space driver for accessing EIB/Konnex devices
through the Konnex USB interface