

EDI data have long since been exchanged between business partners through value-added network services (VANS), employing a simple hub-and-spoke model, the business partners being the spokes and the VANS operator assuming the hub role.

While being quite effective in the pre-Internet era, VANS are hardly competitive anymore. However, more recent approaches to the reliable exchange of EDI data like EDIINT AS/2 create new issues: While eliminating the VANS's high volume costs, Internet-based point-to-point approaches like AS/2 dramatically increase the one-off setup costs by requiring all participants to assume server roles, not just a single dedicated hub. While acceptable for large companies, this is bad news for small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs).

The EDI Hub project presented here combines the simplicity of the hub-and-spoke approach with the Internet's negligible volume costs. By building upon open Web standards like (s)ftp and http, it avoids vendor lock-in due to proprietary technology. It introduces self-management through Web forms to avoid costs for hub administration, and it offers EDI Tracking & Tracing to keep a hub community always up-to-date with message status information.


The original concept paper (in German)

A high-level diagram showing the principle components.


The EDI Hub is Open Source software written in the Ruby language, with the Web parts being Ruby on Rails applications. It is licensed unter the same terms as Ruby itself.

Downloads to be supplied soon... Write to Heinz Werntges if you are interested in a beta version prior to publication.