Welcome to the fourth Wiesbaden Workshop on Advanced Microkernel Operating Systems

Date: Friday 9th August 2018

Location: UdE C Building, C035

9:00-9:15 Beginning
9:15-11:15 Session 1: Hardware-related Attacks
Session Chair: Thorsten Knoll
9:15 Branchscope and more
Dominik Swierzy
9:45 Exploiting Speculative Execution (Spectre) via JavaScript
Lucas Noack and Tobias Reichert
10:15 Spectre-NG, an avalanche of attacks
Marius Sternberger
10:45 Common Attack Vectors of IoT Devices
Alexios Karagiozidis
11:15-11:30 Coffee Break
11:30-12:30 Session 2: Mitigation I
Session Chair: Tobias Reichert
11:30 Mitigation of actual CPU attacks – A hare and hedgehog race not to win
Jens Nazarenus
12:00 KPTI a Mitigation Method against Meltdown
Lars Müller
12:30-13:30 Lunch Break
13:30-14:30 Session 2: Mitigation II
Session Chair: Jens Nazarenus
13:30 Current state of mitigations for spectre within operating systems
Ben Stuart
14:00 Overview of Meltdown and Spectre patches and their impacts
Marc Löw
14:30 Attempts towards OS Kernel protection from Code-Injection Attacks
Bernhard Görtz
15:00 An overview about Information Flow Control at different categories and levels
Danny Ziesche
15:30-16:00 Coffee Break
16:00-17:30 Session 3: Cross-Cutting Concerns
Session Chair: Bernhard Görtz
16:00 Detecting Spectre Attacks by identifying Cache Side-Channel Attacks using Machine Learning
Philipp Altmeyer and Jonas Depoix
16:30 Software based side-channel attacks on CPUs - Their history and how we behaved
Harald Heckmann
17:00 Adapting Kerckhoffs’s principle: CPU Attacks leading a path from cryptography to open-source-hardware
Thorsten Knoll
17:30-17:45 Discussion and closing Remarks


22.04.18 Easychar installation requested
Conference management by easychair has been requested.

24.04.18 WAMOS open for submissions
Conference management by easychair is accepted, the workshop is now open for submissions.

20.04.18 WAMOS Website online
The WAMOS Website is online.

3.05.18 WAMOS CfP is out
The PC has been established, Call for Papers is being distributed.

12.07.18 Deadline extended
The submission deadline for WAMOS 2018 has been extended until July, 22nd.
07.08.18 Program online
The Workshop program is now available for Download.

08.08.18 Proceedings online
The proceedings are now available for Download.