Call for papers

The goal of the WAMOS workshop is to present novel ideas and results (both practical as well as research oriented) in the field of microkernel based operating systems. Participation is open to anyone, however students participating in the technical seminar on Advanced Operating Systems at HSRM are explicitly for^H^H^Hasked to submit their work.

The authors of the most successful papers may be asked to review their work and subsequently submit it to a "real" workshop.

Topics of interest

In this year's instance of the workshop, the main focus is on the effects of hardware vulnerabilites such as the Meltdown and Spectre attacks to the safety, security and design of microkernel-based systems. Topics of interest include (but are not limited to):

Submission Guidelines

Authors are invited to submit original, unpublished papers that are not being considered in another forum. Papers submitted will be thoroughly reviewed for novelty, relevance, technical quality and scientific soundness by the members of the program committee. Authors of accepted papers will have an option of improving their submissions according to the reviewer's comments, before providing camera-ready papers.

All submissions must be in the standard ACM format for conference proceedings, small double column format (acmsmall). There are two categories of papers being submitted:

Papers should be clearly marked in the text as either "Short Research Paper" or "Long Research Paper" and should be submitted in the appropriate category. Short research papers should be written by a single author and should not exceed six pages double column including figures and tables, long papers should not exceed ten pages and should be written by two authors. Submit via Easychair at

All authors are required to to attend the workshop and present their paper. Presented papers will be published in the WAMOS 2018 proceedings that will not be published by ACM and will not be included in the ACM Digital Library. Nevertheless, authors are required to adhere to the ACM Policy and Procedures on Plagiarism as well as to the ACM Policy on Prior Publication and Simultaneous Submissions.

Important dates

Program Chair and Commitee

Chair: Robert Kaiser, Wiesbaden University of applied sciences



22.04.18 Easychar installation requested
Conference management by easychair has been requested.

24.04.18 WAMOS open for submissions
Conference management by easychair is accepted, the workshop is now open for submissions.

20.04.18 WAMOS Website online
The WAMOS Website is online.

3.05.18 WAMOS CfP is out
The PC has been established, Call for Papers is being distributed.

12.07.18 Deadline extended
The submission deadline for WAMOS 2018 has been extended until July, 22nd.
07.08.18 Program online
The Workshop program is now available for Download.

08.08.18 Proceedings online
The proceedings are now available for Download.