Welcome to the third Wiesbaden Workshop on Advanced Microkernel Operating Systems

Date: Friday 25th August 2017

Location: UdE C Building, C405

9:00-9:15 Beginning
9:15-9:45 Keynote Talks and Award Presentation:
Praxisnahe Entwicklung anhand des V-Modells
Corinna Schaub, ITK Engineering GmbH
Vorstellung ITK Engineering GmbH und Infos über Student Award
Markus Hirsch, ITK Engineering GmbH
Presentation of ITK Student Award
Corinna Schaub, Markus Hirsch, ITK Engineering GmbH
9:45-10:00 Coffee Break
11:15-12:45 Session 1: Performance, Safety and Security
Session Chair: Andreas Werner
Solution approaches towards verified μ-Kernel
Danny Ziesche
Benefits of dedicated hardware for microkernels
Daniel Schultz
11:00-11:15 Coffee Break
10:00-11:00 Session 2: Kernel Design Principles
Session Chair: Olga Dedi
Single Address Space Operating Systems
Fabian Kopatschek
Towards Policy-Free µKernels
Bernhard Görtz
Lock Holder Preemption Problem in Multiprocessor Virtualization
Burak Selcuk
12:45-13:00 Discussion and closing Remarks


30.03.17 WAMOS open for submissions
Conference management by easychair is accepted, the workshop is now open for submissions.

30.03.17 WAMOS Website online
The WAMOS Website is online.

29.06.17 WAMOS CfP is out
The PC has been established, Call for Papers is being distributed.

29.07.17 Deadline extended
The submission deadline for WAMOS 2017 has been extended until August, 6th.
23.08.17 Program online
The Workshop program is now available for Download.

23.08.17 Proceedings online
The proceedings are now available for Download.