Welcome to the second Wiesbaden Workshop on Advanced Microkernel Operating Systems

Date: Thursday, 6th August 2015
Location: UdE C Building, C407
09:00 Beginning
09:15 Keynote Talk:

AUTOBEST: A microkernel-based system (not only) for automotive applications

Alexander Züpke
10:15 Coffee Break

Session 1: Kernel Design Principles

Session Chair: Daniel Mierswa
10:30 Unikernels

Kevin Sapper
11:00 Shared libraries for the seL4 Kernel

Andreas Werner
11:30 Coffee Break

Session 2: IPC Performance and Security

Session Chair: Olga Dedi
11:45 Improvement of IPC responsiveness in microkernel-based operating systems

Steffen Reichmann
12:15 Side Channel and Covert Channel Attacks on Microkernel Architectures

Florian Schneider and Alexander Baumgärtner
12:45 Lunch Break

Session 3: Microkernel Scheduling

Session Chair: Annalena Gutheil
14:00 Towards policy-free Microkernels

Olga Dedi
14:30 User-level CPU Inheritance Scheduling

Sergej Bomke
15:00 Coffee Break

Session 4: Device Drivers and I/O

Session Chair: Andreas Werner
15:15 USB in a microkernel based operating system

Daniel Mierswa and Daniel Tkocz
15:45 User-mode device driver development

Annalena Gutheil and Benjamin Weißer
16:15 Discussion and Closing Remarks