Welcome to the first Wiesbaden Workshop on Advanced Microkernel Operating Systems

Date: Thursday, 13 February 2014
Location: UdE C Building, C405
09:30 Beginning
09:30 Invited Talk:

WINGERT -- A Thread Migrating OS for Real-Time Applications

Alexander Züpke
10:00 Coffee Break

Session 1: I/O Support

Session Chair: Thomas Frase
10:15 Supporting USB in a Microkernel Framework

Alexander Aring and Timon Link
10:45 A design proposal for a shareable USB server in a microkernel environment

Daniel Ernst and Matthias H. F. Jurisch
11:15 Coffee Break

Session 2: IPC Paradigms

Session Chair: Richard Petri
11:30 Feasibility to replace Interprocess Communication by the Message Passing Interface in microkernel contexts

René Drolshagen and Lasse Löffler
12:00 Interprocess Communication (IPC) in comparison to the Message Passing Interface (MPI) in a microkernel context

Manuel Hermenau and Janos Zweifel
12:30 Lunch Break

Session 3: Scheduling

Session Chair: Matthias H. F. Jurisch
13:30 User-Level CPU Inheritance Scheduling

Marcel Kneib and Jonas Reininger
14:00 User-level scheduling mechanisms

Andreas Zoor and Nikolai Nagibin
14:30 Coffee Break

Session 4:

Session Chair: René Drolshagen
14:45 The long way towards usable IPC Performance in Microkernels

Richard Petri
15:15 Side channel attacks in a microkernel environment

Thomas Frase and Fabian Seiberling
15:45 Closing