3rd workshop on
Smart Systems for Better Living Environments
October 1st, 2020. Karlsruhe, Germanyheld in conjunction with
Contribution Formats and Details
Contributions are requested in in a two-stage process:
- A one-page abstract should be submitted. It should come in PDF format, be in English, not exceed 3,000 characters, and include all authors, their affiliations, and contact information (there is no template). These will be reviewed and selected by our program committee. Selected submissions will be presented in the workshop at INFORMATIK 2020.
- Full papers: All presenters will be invited to submit a final paper for the workshop proceedings of INFORMATIK 2020. These will again be peer reviewed by the program committee before they are accepted for publication. Full papers should be limited to 8 pages and follow the GI author guidelines (sorry, German only). Please use the LNI LaTeX template available from CTAN. Again, do include all authors, affiliation, and contact information.
All proposals and papers will be reviewed single-blind by the program committee. See the submission instructions for details on how to submit an abstract or paper for review.