Welcome to the first Wiesbaden Workshop on Advanced Microkernel Operating Systems

This workshop provides a forum for students of the advanced operating systems course at Wiesbaden University of Applied Sciences to present the results of their work. Besides submitting papers themselves, students will also be members of the program comittee and will be involved in the peer-reviewiewing process. The intention, besides the presentation of interesing operating system papers, is to provide hands-on experience in organizing and running a workshop.


3.10.13 WAMOS Website online
The WAMOS Website is online. Application for having the workshop managed via easychair is on its way

4.10.13 WAMOS open for submissions
Conference management by easychair is accepted, the workshop is now open for submissions.

11.01.14 PC Member invitations are out
Invitations for program chair members have been sent out. Please accept to be PC members before January 23rd.

11.01.14 Deadline extended
The submission deadline for WAMOS 2014 has been extended until January, 26th.
11.02.14 Program and Proceedings online
The Workshop program and the proceedings are now available for Download.