YES Termination Proof

Termination Proof

by ttt2 (version ttt2 1.15)


The rewrite relation of the following TRS is considered.

a(a(a(x0))) a(a(b(b(x0))))
b(b(b(b(x0)))) a(b(a(a(x0))))


1 Dependency Pair Transformation

The following set of initial dependency pairs has been identified.
a#(a(a(x0))) b#(x0)
a#(a(a(x0))) b#(b(x0))
a#(a(a(x0))) a#(b(b(x0)))
a#(a(a(x0))) a#(a(b(b(x0))))
b#(b(b(b(x0)))) a#(x0)
b#(b(b(b(x0)))) a#(a(x0))
b#(b(b(b(x0)))) b#(a(a(x0)))
b#(b(b(b(x0)))) a#(b(a(a(x0))))

1.1 Dependency Graph Processor

The dependency pairs are split into 1 component.