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Invited Talk

Date: 23.05.2018 Time: 10:15 Location: Room D17 (D Building)

Beyond Microkernels - Hardware Abstraction and Virtualization for Specific Use Cases

Michael Engel, Coburg University of Applied Sciences

In embedded system environments, reducing the overhead of creating hardware abstractions is mandatory. As a consequence, a hardware abstraction for special use cases, such as fault tolerance or security, should be as lightweight as possible.

When implementing this hardware abstraction in terms of a microkernel, according to Liedtke, a concept is tolerated inside a microkernel only if moving it outside the kernel would prevent the implementation of the system's required functionality.

Consequently, FAME -- our specialized version of a microkernel responsible for handling fault tolerance functionality -- delegates other typical functions, such as scheduling and memory management, to a paravirtualized real-time kernel running on top of it. In turn, the microkernel itself only implements basic functionality for error handling and required abstractions which enable that functionality, such as interrupt handling and redirection.

In this talk, we give details of the use of FAME and its interaction with compiler-generated application metadata in the context of our approach to software-based fault-tolerance. In addition, we provide an outlook how the presented concepts could be employed in a broader context when implementing safety as well as security functionality.