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Advanced Operating Systems (LV 7680)   -- Milestone description

M0 - Familiarisation

  • Due: Week 3
  • Marks: 4 (-1 for one week late, discontinue course if more than one week late)
  • Milestone 0 involves familiarising yourself with the provided source code and build system, and then writing a simple IPC protocol.

This is a simple exercise designed to get you started on L4. It contains very detailed instructions, together with the existing source code and documentation you should have no problem doing it.

Your Environment

If you haven't already you may want to take a look in the wiki to set up your development environment and your hardware. You should use the Codesourcery cross compiler as indicated in the wiki. Start by installing / booting Linux on your platform. Connect the serial port adapter as shown in the wiki and test it using your favourite terminal program. Communications parameters should be set to 115000 bps, 8N1.


  • Next, clone the fiasco.oc git repository and build the system for your platform. You should use the Codesourcery cross compiler as indicated in the wiki.
  • When the build is complete, you should be able to bootstrap several L4 images on your platform, including a "Hello World"-style program and a small, busybox-based Linux system.
  • Next, write, build and run your own "Hello World"-style program out-of-tree as described here in the wiki.
  • Finally, replace the printf() function call by a direct invocation of the VCON object as described in the Wiki.
  • There should be no difference in program behaviour.