General description

The workshop is aimed at all those interested in research in the field of theoretical computer science. The focus is especially on complexity, algorithms and data structures, as well as parallel and distributed algorithms.

The relevant topics include, in addition to algorithmic and complexity-theoretic issues, in particular algorithm theory, algorithm engineering, applied algorithms, parallel/partial algorithms, complexity classes, hierarchies, lower and upper complexity bounds for special problems, structural issues, equivalence studies, one-way and trapdoor functions, cryptography, interactive proof systems, complexity of logical decision problems, logical-descriptive complexity classes, parameterized complexity, Kolmogorov complexity, non-uniform computational models (special automata, circuits, branching programs, formulas).

Participation in the workshop does not constitute a publication, so both ongoing and completed work can be presented. A declared goal of the workshop is to enable contact between young and senior scientists.

The workshop is part of INFORMATIK 2024, the 54th Annual Conference of the German Informatics Society (Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V.) which is organized from 23th of September to 27th of September 2024.

The 87. Workshop on Algorithms and Complexity will take place on 24th of September 2024 from 9:00 to 18:00 at University of Applied Sciences in Wiesbaden. Organizers are Heribert Vollmer (University of Hannover) and Steffen Reith (University of Applied Sciences Wiesbaden).

Invited Speaker is "TbD" with a talk titled "TbD".

If you want to contribute a talk, please send title and abstract to
Steffen Reith by E-Mail before 13.09.2024. The length of each talk will be 30 minutes.

Please note that you need to purchase a ticket to attend the workshop for INFORMATIK 2024 (


Time Speaker Affiliation Title
9:00 H. Vollmer U. Hannover Welcome